The time being, KALOUDAKIS AFOI IKE company under the trademark ‘KALOUDAKIS‘, is active in the field of patisserie and bakery raw materials for over than 40 years, as since 2018 onwards is the physical continuity of KALOUDAKIS MINAS personal company.

KALOUDAKIS, as a family company, respecting its history and its customers who have been supporting it for many years, and through fairplay competition, sets priorities and goals such as the daily improvement of the quality and frequency of its customer service, the quality of its range of products, the cultivation of trust and credibility between it and its customers, and the operation of all its human resources through a decision-making filter of “emotional intelligence”.

Another achievement of our company is the capacity to serve our wide clientele, consisting of 1350 collaborations, with continuously upgraded certified services, but also to fully meet the needs of a pastry shop, a bakery or a hotel in the island of Crete. All the above are officially certified by the acquisition of the ELOT EN ISO 9001:2000 quality system in 2004 and every year since then, as also by the acquisition of the ELOT EN ISO 22000:2005 quality system in May 2019. The company’s motto in our trademark is not a coincidence…”FOOD QUALITY GUARANTEED.

We always try to combine the very good knowledge of the market with our many years of experience so that we choose, primarily driven by the best possible quality, products at the best possible price. This comes as result of a thorough research, combining the product offerings of both the Greek and the wider European market. The above process is always based on the bias selection of those suppliers of ours, who practically and unceasingly support our efforts during our long-term collaborations, aiming the same with us: the best possible service of the final consumer.

Next goal of ours is to be able to offer a very competitive and comprehensive product range to meet the needs of the Greek HORECA market.

You can find our latest valid ISO certificate here.


In recent years, the intense touristic activity of the island and the ever-expanding needs of our local partners for more specialized and high-quality products, have prompted us to contact European productive companies. Since 2008, we have been continuously watching the international developments of our industry, taking part each year at European field exhibitions organized mainly in France, Italy and Germany.

Our presence and the contacts we have established since then, have resulted into stable partnerships with productive and commercial firms of international range and reputation. Some of the European companies that trust in us to distribute their products in the Greek market are the following:

  • LALLEMAND (Production of bakery yeast and sourdough)
  • MICHEL CLUIZEL (Chocolatier)
  • FRUITS ROUGES & Co. (Frozen IQF Fruits & Fruit Puree)
  • LA CIGALE DOREE (Semi-ready bases for pastry and cuisine)
  • MAE INNOVATIONS (Silicone moulds)
  • COVE SRL (Food colors)
  • GOLDPLAST (Plastic table accessories)
  • GUILLIN EMBALLAGES (Plastic dessert packaging)
  • SCHNEIDER GmbH (Kitchen tools and equipment)
  • MALLARD FERRIERE (Kitchen tools and equipment)
  • BRICKMAN (Oven gloves)
  • SMET (Chocolate decoratives)


In recent years, the intense touristic activity of the island and the ever-expanding needs of our local partners for more specialized and high-quality products, have prompted us to contact European productive companies. Since 2008, we have been continuously watching the international developments of our industry, taking part each year at European field exhibitions organized mainly in France, Italy and Germany.

Our presence and the contacts we have established since then, have resulted into stable partnerships with productive and commercial firms of international range and reputation. Some of the European companies that trust in us to distribute their products in the Greek market are the following:

  • LALLEMAND (Production of bakery yeast and sourdough)
  • MICHEL CLUIZEL (Chocolatier)
  • FRUITS ROUGES & Co. (Frozen IQF Fruits & Fruit Puree)
  • LA CIGALE DOREE (Semi-ready bases for pastry and cuisine)
  • MAE INNOVATIONS (Silicone moulds)
  • COVE SRL (Food colors)
  • GOLDPLAST (Plastic table accessories)
  • GUILLIN EMBALLAGES (Plastic dessert packaging)
  • SCHNEIDER GmbH (Kitchen tools and equipment)
  • MALLARD FERRIERE (Kitchen tools and equipment)
  • BRICKMAN (Oven gloves)
  • SMET (Chocolate decoratives)