Following the pressures of market developments and the prompting of many of our associates (customers and suppliers) for adequate and constant updating and training in modern creation techniques, our company management decided to create a laboratory room designed to house the creativity of the most inventive and innovative artisans. A modern room, fully equipped for the purpose of update and training of the Greek professionals in new innovative products and services of confectionery, bakery, ice-cream and cooking.
The mentality of this venture is included in the name of the room as KALOUDAKIS STUDIO OF CREATION, as we have imagined it is not as a classic massive hospitality space for the purpose of hollow product promotion, but as a hospitable center of creation and development of new methods which requires absolute dedication and sufficient time to fully understand the processes. The audience has the opportunity to meet on-site every question, if possible and by way of divergence from the initial training program. This is the reason why the composition of small groups of twenty (20) at maximum attendees per presentation was selected.